> Help > Information Helps > Procurement Glossary
Terms |
Definition/ Description |
Accounting Officer |
Accounting Officer means any official empowered to approve reports of the Tender Committee and sign the contract on behalf of the procuring entity. This official must be empowered by Law to act as a Chief Budget Manager within the public entity in which he is employed |
Bribe |
means money or something of value pursuant to or promised in order to influence the decision or conduct of staff in the procurement process or contract execution; |
Bid or tender |
refers to an offer from a bidder |
Bidding document |
Bidding document means the document containing information required for the preparation of bids, the award process and the tender execution |
Bidder |
Bidder means any potential participant or participant in public procurement proceedings |
Bid security |
Bid Security means any guarantee by a bank or other relevant institution to allow the prospective bidder to participate in tendering; |
CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) |
Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) is an International commercial term (Incoterm) which means the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail in the port of shipment. The seller is responsible to pay for the insurance and freight of the goods to port of destination but the risk passes on delivery at the port of shipment |
CIP (Carriage & Insurance Paid to a place of Destination) |
Carriage and Insurance Paid (CIP) is an International commercial term(Incoterm) which means the seller delivers when the goods are received by the carrier and he pays the carrier for the delivery of goods to the named place of destination. Carrier is a person or institution which undertakes the transportation of goods by rail, road, sea, inland waterway or a combination of any of these modes. |
Coercive practices |
Any act intending to harm or threaten to harm directly or indirectly persons, their work or their property to influence their participation in the procurement process or affect its performance; |
Collusive practice |
Arrangement between two or more parties designed to achieve an improper purpose, including influencing another party or the civil servant; |
Confidentiality |
means the requirement to keep secret and not to disclose or divulge information obtained during the performance of official duties until there is a legal requirement to disclose; |
Conflict of interest |
A real, obvious or potential situation in which a public agent is in a position to exploit a professional or official capacity in some way for his or her personal benefit and compromise his or her independence and impartiality necessary for the assumption of a public agent duties; it also refers to the occasion whereby a public agent is involved in multiple interests, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation for an act in the other during the procurement process; |
Corrupt practice |
means offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting money or anything of value to make a public official partial in the tender award or contract execution process; |
Consultant |
An professional individual or a firm that has technical knowhow in a specialized area and is engaged to undertake an assignment described by some terms of reference |
Consultant Services |
Refers to activities of an intellectual or of immaterial nature. |
Contract |
It is a legal binding agreement between a purchaser or employer and the seller or consultant or contractor |
Constructor/ supplier
means any physical or legal person under procurement contract with a procuring entity; |
Day |
refers to every weekday including holidays unless stated otherwise |
DDP (Delivered Duty Paid)
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) is an International commercial term (incoterm) which means the seller delivers the goods to the buyer and cleared for importation. The seller bears all costs and risks of transporting the goods including duties and taxes. |
DDU (Delivery Duty Unpaid)
Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU) is an International commercial term (incoterm) which means the seller delivers to the buyer without clearing for importation. The seller does not pay or bear any risks with regard to duties and taxes which will be the responsibility of the buyer. |
Direct Contracting |
This is a procurement method where the purchaser buys goods from the Seller directly without any competition. This method is used when the value of item is very small, or there is only one seller due to the propriety nature of the goods. |
Goods or supplies |
Means objects of every kind and description including raw materials, products, equipment be it in solid, liquid or gaseous form, electricity, as well as services that are linked to the supply of the goods if the value of those services does not exceed that of the goods themselves. |
Entertainment |
means providing any kind of enjoyment but not limited to food, drink, games or convenience such as transport, accommodation; |
Ethics |
Means moral principles or values which guide a person's behavior especially in all aspects of his/her work; |
Ethical behavior |
Encompasses the concepts of honesty, integrity, diligence, fairness, trust and respect; |
Fraud |
means the intentional, false representation or concealment of a material fact for the purpose of inducing or influencing another to act up on it to his/her detriment; |
Fraudulent Practices |
refer to any act of lying, providing misinformation, including collusive practices among bidders aiming at influencing the procuring entity to making wrong decisions or to giving room for poor execution of the contract; |
Framework agreement |
A contractual arrangement between a procuring entity and one or a bigger number of bidders which allows the procuring entity to procure works, services or supplies that are needed continuously or repeatedly at an agreed price over a period of time, through the placement of a number of orders |
Gift |
means anything that has monetary value, received without the need for compensation; |
Hospitality |
means the friendly and generous treatment of guests or strangers; |
Integrity |
means the use of funds, resources, assets, and authority, according to the intended official purposes, to be used in line with public interest. In principle, integrity imposes an obligation to be straightforward and honest in professional and business relationships including fair dealing and truthfulness; |
Invitation to bid( request for quotations) |
Letters with instructions sent to the sellers/suppliers or service providers inviting them to submit their price quotations to compete for the supply of goods or services. |
Laundering |
Refers to the fact of facilitating by whatever means, the justification of the source of property and revenue as well as profit obtained by the author of an offence provided for by laws. Equally constituting "laundering" is the fact of lending support by safe guarding, concealing or converting by direct or indirect means, a product that is a result of an offence provided for by this code; |
LCS (Least Cost Selection) |
Least Cost Selection is a consultant selection method where you establish a minimum qualifying mark for quality and the consultant offering the lowest price amongst the consultants scoring the quality’s minimum qualifying mark and above is selected. |
Minister |
Minister in charge of Public procurement |
Misprocurement |
A mis-procurement occurs when procurement procedures have not been followed by the procuring entity or its project component and expenses are incurred. |
National Competitive Bidding (NCB)
National Competitive Bidding is a procurement method where the purchaser advertises locally in a newspaper with a wide circulation, can ask bids to be in local currency only and bid document can be in national language. The method is suitable when interest from foreign bidders is unlikely and when there is adequate local capacity |
National Shopping Method |
In this method, the purchaser sends written invitations for quotations for goods or services to at least three bidders and based on the prices quoted and quality of the goods, awards a contract to the bidder with the lowest evaluated quotation from at least three quotations offering the goods or services requested. |
Obstructive practices |
Destroying, falsifying, altering or concealing of evidence material to the investigation or making false statements to investigators deliberately in order to materially impede investigations into allegations of a corrupt, coercive or collusive practice; and/or threatening, harassing or intimidating any party to prevent him/her from disclosing his/her knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation or from pursuing the investigations |
Performance security |
“Performance security” means any guarantee by a bank or any other relevant institution established to guarantee the procuring entity that in case the contract is not performed, be it technically or at the level of deadlines, the procuring entity would receive the amount provided for such a guarantee; |
Procurement audit |
In a procurement audit, the procuring entity records are checked to see if appropriate procurement procedures have been followed. In this audit, the procuring entity will need to produce all documents related to procurement and these documents may include advertisement copies, invitations to bid, bidding documents, bid evaluations, bids, contracts, delivery notes, shipping documents, progress certificates, completion certificates, receipts, cashbook and payment vouchers. |
Professional Secrecy |
refers to a confidentiality obligation of becoming the depositary of a secret or facts of which someone has personal knowledge or which came to his/her knowledge by virtue of his/her duties; |
Public Procurement |
Refers to the supplies or goods, works, consultant services and other services as they may be needed by a procuring entity; |
Public Agent |
is a person who is authorized to act on behalf of the procuring entity in procurement process; |
Procuring entity |
Procuring entity means Central Government authority, Local Government authority, public institution, commission, Government project, parastatal, agency, or any specialized institution engaged in procurement process and entering in contract with the successful bidder. |
Purchaser |
The Procuring Entity is a purchaser of goods, works and consultant services |
QBS(Quality Based Selection)
This is a consultant selection method where you invite and receive technical proposals from consultants and only quality is considered in selecting the consultant to provide the services. The cost is negotiated with the selected consultant. |
QCBS(Quality and Cost Based Selection) |
This is a consultant selection method where you invite and receive technical and financial proposals from consultants and both quality and cost are considered in selecting the consultant to provide the services. |
Seller or bidder |
The supplier of goods or the service provider of services is a seller or a bidder |
Services |
Refers to any services other than consultant services
SBCQ(Selection Based on Consultant’s Qualifications) |
This is a consultant selection method where the consultant firm is selected based on the consultant’s qualifications and experience. |
SSS(Single Source Selection) |
This is a consultant selection method where you approach or select one consultant to undertake an assignment without any competition. |
Successful bidder |
Successful bidder means a bidder whose offer has been accepted after being considered the most competitive both technically and financially. It also refers to one who has concluded a procurement contract with a procuring entity without having been subject to tendering proceedings |
Technical Specifications |
Technical specifications mean the detailed description of technical characteristics of goods or works or non-consultant services. |
Tender committee |
Tender Committee means a committee established by the procuring entity to assist the Procurement Unit, in the bid opening, evaluation and recommend for award Of procurement contracts. |
Terms of reference |
Terms of reference means the document prepared by the procuring entity defining the requirements for an assignment and means to be made available, concerns to be taken into account as well as the expected results. |
Works |
Mean all activities related to the realization of building or engineering works upon the request by the client. |